Embracing a New Year

The New Year is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the coming months, especially for those who have been affected by cancer. Survivors can use the New Year as a reason to make plans for the future and celebrate all of the possibilities life has to offer. For those who are still fighting cancer, the New Year offers hope. In any way you can, strive to make the New Year better than the last.

Find a Support System

There are many cancer support groups available to those who have been affected by cancer. Whether you are a survivor, currently battling cancer, or have a loved one who has received a diagnosis, online or in-person support groups are there to help. It is important to find a way to voice your fears, struggles, hopes, or happiness.

Southeastern Cancer Care is a support group located in Eastern North Carolina. For more information on seeking help from Southeastern Cancer Care, visit www.southeasterncancercare.org. Other national organizations, like the American Cancer Society, also offer many support options for those who need it. These organizations are designed to help patients, survivors and loved ones look forward and find ways to cope with the effects of cancer.

Nurture Your Soul

Whether it is through religion, meditation, or therapy, finding a way to gain inner peace is essential in overcoming the stress associated with cancer. Something as simple as singing or dancing to your favorite song can lighten your spirits. Journaling your thoughts daily can act as a stress reliever as well. In the New Year, write a small encouraging note to yourself daily to put in a jar. When you need a boost of joy, read one to remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful for.

Improve Your Physical Well-Being

Make the decision to eat right and exercise in the New Year, by setting sensible goals to get healthy. Adding healthy fruits, vegetables, meats, and whole grains to your diet can boost your energy and give you strength to stay active. Put aside old habits and begin to develop healthy ones. Join a gym or find friends to exercise with each week. Exercising with friends can help to keep you motivated, and it also makes the workout seem more like socializing than actual work. Even if you are unable to participate in strenuous activities, there are flexibility exercise which can help with mobility and balance. Simply taking the stairs or choosing to park a little farther away from the store can help to maintain your physical health. Stay positive and look forward to all the New Year has to offer. If you can, help others who are in similar situations to yours. Appreciate the little things in life and try not to stress about things that are out of your control. Find hope in the future and strength in the New Year!


The Mayo Clinic

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